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Biden Withdrawal

I Disagree With Biden’s Withdrawal

President Joe Biden has been serving the American people for 52 years, first as a Senator, then as Vice-President, and now as President. I firmly believe that every day he puts our interests above his own, and I believe that by announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 Presidential race he is doing so once again. It proves, above all else, that Joe Biden cares about us as a people and America as a nation.

Personally, I disagree with this decision and feel that it was brought on by a political leadership more interested in protecting their own power and position. No one understands the feckless nature of the Democratic National Committee better than a candidate that runs in a district deemed unwinnable by the powers that be. It’s a shame to see it happen to one of the most successful Presidents our nation has seen

It was Joe Biden that has led us to the greatest economy in U.S. history; Biden that created over 15 million jobs to include 800,000 manufacturing jobs; Biden that oversaw the largest rise in real wages in 20 years; Biden signed the CHIPS act, the PACT act, the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction act, and the largest bipartisan gun reform bill in 40 years. He directed the largest investments into climate change protection and green energy programs in history. He has worked tirelessly to relieve student debt, lower prescription drug prices, and expand healthcare access to all Americans. The best argument for Biden’s success has always been his success.

We, as Democrats, are doing ourselves a great disservice with this move. If it should backfire we will have squandered two generations of political power on one race. Furthermore, I don’t see that very many people will rise up to front a party that so clearly demonstrates a willingness to abandon its leaders.

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